Renders reflections for water. Currently on planar reflections.
Whether to allow MSAA. |
The near clip plane clips any geometry before it, removing it from reflections. |
Disables occlusion culling. |
Disables pixel lights (BIRP only). |
Disables shadows. |
Whether planar reflections are enabled. |
Anything beyond the far clip plane is not rendered. |
Whether to allow HDR. |
The layers to rendering into reflections. |
What side of the water surface to render planar reflections for. |
Planar relfections using an oblique frustum for better performance. |
If within this distance from the surface, disable the oblique matrix. |
Overrides global quality settings. |
Whether to render to the viewer camera only. |
Resolution of the reflection texture. |
Whether to render the sky or fallback to default reflections. |
Whether to allow stencil operations. |
An oblique matrix will clip anything below the surface for free. |
What side of the water surface to render planar reflections for. |
Invoked when the reflection camera is created. |