CPU Queries#

In scenarios where a GPU is not present, such as headless servers, a CPU option is available.

To use this feature, select a Shape FFT component that is generating the waves in a scene and enable Enable Baked Collision.

Configure the properties under the “Collision Baking Heading”. Also set the Baked Time Loop Length on the Shape FFT component.

Next click Bake to asset and assign to current settings and select a path and filename for the result. After the bake completes Water Renderer will be configured to use this data.


There are currently a few key limitations of this approach:

  • Wave conditions are static. Properties like Wind Speed and even Weight cannot be changed at runtime.

  • Only a single set of waves from one Shape FFT component is supported. This collision does not support multiple sets of waves.

  • The Depth Probe component is not supported. In order to get a one-to-one match between the visuals and the collision data, they should not be used.

  • The Water Level simulation is not supported. CPU queries assumes a fixed sea level for the whole scene.