Quick Start Guide#

This section provides a summary of common steps for setting up water with links for further reading:

  • Add water: Add Crest water to your scene as described in section Adding Crest to a Scene.

  • Water surface appearance: The active water material is displayed below the Water Renderer component. See Water Appearance for documentation on water appearance.

  • Add Waves: Add Shape FFT component to a Game Object and assign a Wave Spectrum asset. Waves can be generated everywhere, or in specific areas. See section Waves.

  • Shallow Water: Reduce waves in shallow water. See section Shorelines and Shallows.

  • Oceans, Rivers and Lakes: Crest supports setting up networks of connected water bodies. See section Water Bodies.

  • Underwater: If the camera needs to go underwater, the underwater effect must be enabled. See section Underwater.

  • Dynamic wave simulation: Simulates dynamic effects like object-water interaction. See section Dynamic Waves.

  • Watercraft: Several components combined can create a convincing watercraft. See page Floating Objects.

  • Networking: Crest is built with networking in mind and can synchronise waves across the network. It also has limited support for headless servers. See section Network Synchronisation.

  • Open Worlds: Crest comes with “shifting origin” support to enable large open worlds. See section Shifting Origin.