Usage Guide#


There are several methods to finding your way through Crest:

  • Component Browser: all scripts are under Crest. Furthermore, all scripts are prefixed with Crest for easier searching

  • Shader Browser: all shaders are under Crest

  • Sample Scenes

  • Documentation, especially the Quick Start Guide


There are several methods to getting guidance:

  • Tooltips

  • Validation

  • Sample Scenes

  • Documentation

The documentation and sample scenes are great at getting an overview or learning the finer points of Crest. We recommend going over the documentation to see what Crest can offer.

We try not to repeat any information that can be best served by tooltips or validation as they can provide immediate guidance to solving problems whilst keeping the documentation digestible. Reading the documentation is the next logical step if either validation or tooltips fall short.

Editor UI#

We have some custom advancements to the UI which are not obvious.


Sliders (AKA ranges) have a minimum and maximum value they can represent. Some of our sliders allow to go outside of the slider range by using the accompanying field. There is currently no indication whether it is possible to go outside of the slider range, so some adventuring is required.