Runs a shallow water simulation at global sea level in a domain around its transform, and injects the results of the simulation into the water data.
Adds meters of additional water into the simulation domain on initialization. |
Affects depth-based blending of the simulation and animated waves (m). |
The intensity at which waves inject water into the simulation. |
Filters the mask. |
Filters the shape prior to rendering to smooth out sharp features. |
Stability measure - limits velocities. Default 0.5. |
Disable simulation if viewpoint is more than this distance outside simulation domain. |
The speed of the transition to its culled state. |
The depth of the water in the shallow water simulation (m). |
Rate at which to remove water at the boundaries of the domain. |
Recompute ground heights every frame. |
Disable simulation when viewpoint far from domain. |
Rate at which to remove water at any location. |
Multiplies flow output to scale when injecting. |
The baked texture for flow. |
Multiplies foam output to scale when injecting. |
The baked texture for foam. |
Friction applied to water to prevent dampen velocities. |
Add the resulting flow velocities to the water system. |
Add the resulting foam to the water system. |
Add the resulting shape to the water system. |
The baked texture for water level. |
Inform water how much this input will displace the water surface vertically. |
Maximum resolution of simulation grid. |
Whether to use the baked textures. |
Overshoot is artifacts where the water will spike sharply. |
Padding area for zero activity at the edge of the domain. |
Places the simulation at sea level. |
Where the simulation is placed. |
Preconfigures the simulation for a specific use case. |
Whether to sample the Depth Probe directly. |
Whether to sample water level inputs directly. |
Simulation resolution - width of simulation grid cell (m). |
Time step used for simulation (s). |
Adds a margin around the water level to prevent water from degenerating at a distance and prevents water wall creep (px). |
Same as Margin Width but for baking only. |
Width of the margin. |
The width of the simulation area (m). |
Resets the simulation. Needs to be called after certain property changes. |