Gerstner wave shape.
How many wave components to generate in each octave. |
Change to get a different set of waves. |
The weight of the opposing, second pair of Gerstner waves. |
Inherited Members#
Whether to evaluate the spectrum every frame. |
Whether to use the wind speed on this component rather than the global wind speed. |
Resolution to use for wave generation buffers. |
How much these waves respect the shallow water attenuation. |
The spectrum that defines the water surface shape. |
Primary wave direction heading (degrees). |
Wind speed in km/h. Controls wave conditions. |
The wind speed in kilometers per hour (KPH). |
The wind speed in meters per second (MPS). |
How this input blends into existing data. |
The width of the feathering to soften the edges to blend inputs. |
How this input responds to horizontal displacement. |
The mode for this input. |
The order this input will render. |
Scales the input. |
Disables rendering of input into data, but continues most scripting activities. |
Properties specific to LodInput.Mode. |
Retrieves the typed data and validates the passed type. |