Captures scene height / water depth, and renders it into the simulation.
Caches the operation to avoid rendering it every frame. This should be used for static geometry, dynamic objects should be tagged with the DepthLodInput component.
How many additional Jump Flood rounds to use. |
The far and near plane of the depth probe camera respectively, relative to the transform. |
Increase coverage by testing mesh back faces within the Fill Holes area. |
Fills holes left by the maximum of the capture range. |
Generate a signed distance field for the shoreline. |
The layers to render into the probe. |
Overrides global quality settings. |
Controls how the probe is refreshed in the Player. |
The resolution of the probe. |
Baked probe. |
Specifies the setup for this probe. |
Populates the DepthProbe (including re-baking). |
Invoked before the DepthProbe camera renders. |
Invoked after the DepthProbe camera renders. |